Living It

I'm Carie and I am a work in progress, a pursuer of Christ, wife to a remarkable man and Mom to four captivating daughters, living in a blended family. I am a disease battling, recovering captive of guilt, fear and bondage. Today I am wielding my sword, attired in armor and I want you to say these words with me:

There is no sin I have committed so atrocious the blood of Christ cannot atone for. With Jesus, there is no stain that cannot be laundered in his love. To disbelieve this is to deny the purpose of Jesus. To question our worthiness is the scheme of an enemy, not the intention of God.

My sins are Forgiven.

I will not be paralyzed by fear knowing God did not give me the spirit of timidity but a spirit of power. I will not allow fear to hold me back from becoming who God designed me to be. I will be mindful that God has walked every road before me and he continues to walk beside me.

I will not be afraid. I will be Fearless.

I will not be defined or held captive by my past, by regrets, things beyond my control, by disease or by other people. I do not listen to an enemy who sits on my shoulder and whispers words that only an enemy would spew.

I am not his captive. I am Free.

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